Lord of the flies ; By Golding, William

Publisher:London Faber and Faber
Record No.:45044
Type/Format Call Number Location Due Date Last Seen Barcode
02. English Fiction F GOL Birchwood Intermediate School 2020-03-11 BISX17165
02. English Fiction F GOL Stonepark Intermediate School 2021-06-10 STPK20020
02. English Fiction F GOL Charlottetown Rural High School 2019-03-14 CRHS19570
02. English Fiction F GOL Montague Intermediate School 2018-03-13 MISX8595
02. English Fiction F GOL Charlottetown Rural High School 2019-05-21 CRHS15890
02. English Fiction F GOL Charlottetown Rural High School 2020-11-02 CRHS15891
02. English Fiction F GOL Kensington Intermediate Senior High 2023-04-11 KISH4008